de Cúellar Armada Trail - Sligo

on the map to find out more about the areas de Cúellar's visited
on his travels.
Strand (1) ( Map
| Staad | Glencar
| O'Rourke's | Lurganboy
| Largydonnell| Rossclogher
survivor, Captain Francisco de Cúellar recorded events of 413 years
ago, in graphic detail. He documents his shipwreck, on Streedagh
the subsequent horrors ashore, and his attempts to find hospitality
from friendly chieftains (O’Rourke and McClancy) in the then English
garrisoned North Sligo Leitrim, as he tried to make his way back
to Spain via Antrim and Scotland.
account paints a fascinating picture of life and living conditions
in this part of Ireland at the time.
the fifth day, there sprung up a great storm on our beam, with a
sea up to the heavens, so that the cables could not hold nor sails
serve us, and we were driven ashore with all three ships upon a
beach , covered with very fine sand, shut in on one side and the
other by great rocks.”
Abbey (2)(
Map | Streedagh
| Glencar | O'Rourke's
| Lurganboy | Largydonnell
| Rossclogher )
returning from the beach, if the visitor walks to the top of the
lane directly opposite the Spanish Armada Memorial, as you look
across the intervening farmland, it is possible to discern close
to the shoreline, the single surviving gable wall of Staad Abbey.
To where, on gaining the shore de Cúellar walked in search of help,
unfortunately the English had been there before him.
dawn of the day I began to walk little by little, searching for
a monastery of monks, that I might repair to it as best I could,
which I arrived at with much trouble and toil. I found it deserted,
and the church and images of the saints burned and completely ruined,
and twelve Spaniards hanging in the church by act of the Lutheran
English, who went abroad searching for us to make an end to us all
who had escaped from the sea.”
Waterfall(3) ( Map
| Streedagh | Staad
| O'Rourke's | Lurganboy
| Largydonnell
| Rossclogher )
Glencar lake, de Cúellar comes upon a group of unoccupied huts,
that it would appear were used for storage of oats. On entering
one of these huts he finds that three other Spaniards seeking refuge
already occupy it. These are his first contacts with compatriots,
since leaving the beach.
reaching the mountain range that they gave me for direction, I met
with a lake, around which there were about thirty huts, all forsaken
and unoccupied, and there I wished to spend the night.”
Castle (Castletown) (4) (
Map | Streedagh
| Staad | Glencar
| Lurganboy |
| Rossclogher )
at Castletown, the O’Rourkes of Breffni maintained one of their
many strongholds in the district. A “dissident” chieftain, Brian
O’Rourke offered shelter and succour to the escaping Spaniards for
which amongst other “crimes” against the Crown, he suffered the
ultimate punishment, he was executed at Tyburn in London, on 3rd
November 1591.
“I arrived at his house with great exertion, enveloped in straw
and swathed about the body with matting, in such a plight that no
one could see me without being moved to great compassion.”
(5) ( Map
| Streedagh | Staad
| Glencar | O'Rourke's
| Largydonnell
| Rossclogher )
Cúellar was part of a party of twenty Spaniards that went in search
of a ship, word of which they had received while staying with O’Rourke.
Separated from his compatriots because of injuries sustained in
the wrecking, lost and disoriented , he stumbles along in what he
hopes is the general direction he should be going.
along thus, lost with much uncertainty and toil, I met by chance
with a road along which a clergyman in secular clothing was traveling.
He was sorry for me, and spoke to me in Latin, asking me to what
nation I belonged and about the shipwrecks that had taken place.
God gave me grace that I was able to reply to everything that he
asked me in the same Latin tongue; and so satisfied was he with
me, that he gave me to eat of that which he carried with him, and
he directed me by the right road that I should go to reach a castle,
which was six leagues from there.”
(6) ( Map
| Streedagh | Staad
| Glencar | O'Rourke's
| Lurganboy |
Rossclogher )
in the lonely Glenade Valley, while following the directions given
him by the Clergyman, Francisco now falls in with another traveler,
who tricks him into going to his forge in the valley where it is
his intent to hold de Cúellar captive and force him to work for
set out there experiencing much trouble on the road, and the greatest,
and that which gave me most pain, was that a savage that met me
on the way, and by deceiving me, took me to his hut in a deserted
valley, where he said I must live all my life, and he would teach
me his trade, that of blacksmith.”
Castle (7) ( Map
| Streedagh | Staad
| Glencar | O'Rourke's
| Lurganboy | Largydonnell
at Rossclogher just outside Kinlough on the southern shore of Lough
Melvin de Cúellar came under the protection of McClancy with whom
he stayed for three months. Maglana, as de Cúellar referred to McClancy,
paid like O’Rourke with his life, shot and then beheaded, at Lough
Melvin, in 1589.
wife of my master was very beautiful in the extreme, and showed
me much kindness. One day we were sitting in the sun with some of
her female friends and relatives, and they asked me about Spanish
matters and of other parts, and in the end it came to be suggested
that I examine their hands and tell them their fortunes. Giving
thanks to God that it had not gone even worse with me than to be
a gypsy among savages, I began to look at the hands of each, and
to say to them a hundred thousand absurdities, which pleased them
so much that there was no other Spaniard better than I, or than
was in greater favour with them.”